Module 7: Flying Star and Luopan Compass with Howrd Choy

May 25 - 29, 2012

Lopan Feng Shui In this module, we enter into the exploration of Flying Star Feng Shui and a more in-depth and advanced study of the Lo pan Compass. The Universe is ever changing and natural influences evolve with the passage of time. Flying Star Feng Shui incorporates the elements of time and space. It will enable you to trace the pattern of change through the 20 year periods called "ages". It makes it possible to access the fortune of a dwelling. With practice, one can learn how to unblock energies that affect the aspects of prosperity and health in a dwelling.

The Lopan Compass is the essential tool in Classical Feng Shui. Its many rings reveal vital information in assessing a dwelling or building site and contain a large body of knowledge that encompasses classical Chinese philosophy, numerology and cosmology. The Chinese Lopan can take a very long time to master since it requires prior learning of the Chinese characters. The Western Lopan simplifies the process and makes it easier for the western student to learn and use.

In this module you will learn to:

Flying Star Feng Shui is the most widely used method used in Asia. Many of our students have also studied Flying Star Feng Shui and the Lopan with other teachers. Their reporting has been consistent: Our teachers have offered them the clearest, and most understandable discourse on the subject, and their methods simplify the processes so that they are truly usable on every project. Many have also reported that they experienced a huge increase in their abilities after taking this class.