A Master Course in Flying Stars and Luopan Compass (Xuan Kiong Bazhai)
A four day class with Howard Choy for graduates of GGSFS in Berkeley CA from June 30 - July 3
Classroom Instruction | May 31 | 9:00am - 5:30pm |
Classroom Instruction | June 1 | 9:00am - 5:30pm |
On-site conultation | June 2 | 9:00am - 5:30pm |
Consultation review and Instruction | June 3 | 9:00am - 5:30pm |
Graduates of our Professional Training Program are invited to join this advanced course with
Australian architect and international feng shui lecturer
Howard Choy (Cai Hong)
to deepen their understanding of the complete workings of the 12 rings of the Xuan Kong Bazhai Luopan
This four-day course includes a summary and overview of the four feng shui systems
and at least one date-selection method.
You will also learn how to use every ring on Xuan Kong Bazhai Luopan Compass.
Participants will also learn:
- “Longmen Baju” also known as the “Eight Sets of Dragon Gates” or the “Early and Later Heaven Water Methods”
- The theory and practice of the Replacement Stars in Xuan Kong Feixing.
- The use of the 24 Mountains in Xuan Kong Feixing calculations, including a comprehensive checklist of how to carry out a thorough audit and analysis with the Luopan Compass.
- Introduction of the Master Luo Shi-Pang’s method of how to assess the influence of the External Gua Qi Field of space and time on the Internal Gua Qi Field of a Flying Stars chart.
- Xuan Kong Feixing Date selection for construction using the 24 Solar Terms.
- The Bazhai Mingjing and the Yangzhai Sanyao Eight Houses Methods with theories and practical applications.
- Introduction of the theories and the practice of the Xuan Kong Da Gua system, including how to obtain the “One Pure Gua”, “Mutually Generating” and “Adding Up to 10” arrangements.
- Conduct an on-site application of the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom.
The class will be taught using a combination of classroom study and an onsite consultation.

Space is limited to 20 participants. Registration is open to graduates of our Professional Certification Program, or by special arrangement with Golden Gate School of Feng Shui.
$608* BY February 28th (GGSFS Student/Graduate fee) $ 1208 BY March 31st (non-Graduate fee)
$698* BY March 31st (GGSFS Student/Graduate fee) $ 1395 After April 1st (non-Graduate fee)
$ 798* AFTER April 1st (GGSFS Student/Graduate fee)
*GRADS and STUDENTS call for your Discount Code (510) 868 0489
If you would like to also REPEAT our five-day Flying Star Basics class from June 23 - 27, the fee for GGSFS Graduates is $275.
If you to repeat Flying Star Basics class alone, the fee is $445 before March 31st ( $550 after April 1st).
For non-graduates the fee is $1495 to join the Flying Star Basics class on May .
Graduates who register before June 14th are automatically entered into a June drawing to win Flying Star Software* for Mac ($89 value). If you wish to purchase this software use discount code GGSFS for 20% off.
Click here to register now!