Graduate Profile
Elizabeth Schermer (2004 Graduate)

During the year I was involved in the program there were many major changes in my life.

I began transitioning out of my teaching career at the same time that I began practicing Feng Shui and developing my new business. There were also many changes in my personal life as I did the necessary internal work to develop my intuition and intuitive abilities.

My experiences with the Golden Gate School provided an excellent foundation for my practice. I always recommend the program whenever I have the opportunity.

What is the name of your business and where do you practice?

I live in Seattle and work with clients throughout the Pacific Northwest and California. My business is called Fundamental Feng Shui. I used this title because I am interested in supporting people at the foundation of their lives. The term “fundamental” also refers to a commitment to operate from basic principles. Working both intuitively and practically, my intention is always to better understand “the fundamentals” of the ways that energy interacts in the world.

What were you doing before you took the program?

I was a Montessori educator. I first worked 10 years with young children and for the past 15 years I worked with adolescents. The Montessori paradigm of education is based on an understanding of the importance of a properly prepared environment and my experiences in this setting provided a great foundation for Feng Shui. I have a good understanding and sensitivity to the ways that our physical environment can support optimal human development – for adults as well as children.

What attracted you to the program? How did you come to make the decision to enroll?

In 2002 I read a couple of books on clutter clearing and Feng Shui. With some simple practices in my home I experienced instant and profound changes in my life. Through a variety of circumstances it became clear that I was being led to a new life path, so I began looking for a Feng Shui teacher and program. I learned about The Golden Gate School while attending a Karen Kingston workshop in the Bay Area in the summer of 2003. In the last 5 minutes of the three day workshop I had a conversation with a recent graduate. She told me about her experiences and I knew I’d found the school I’d been looking for.

What changed in your life during the program?

During the year I was involved in the program there were many major changes in my life. I began transitioning out of my teaching career at the same time that I began practicing Feng Shui and developing my new business. There were also many changes in my personal life as I did the necessary internal work to develop my intuition and intuitive abilities.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your participation with GGSFS?
The most rewarding aspect of my participation as a student at the school was the introduction to my new way of life. I appreciate the global approach to the work, the introduction to the classical tradition; and the appreciation for the depth of the practice, both personally and professionally. Of course the relationships with friends and colleagues are also very significant.

Tell us about your practice “what services do you offer & to whom?"

My consultations integrate classical Feng Shui analysis with dowsing, which relates to locating and harmonizing geopathic stress, as well draining human imprinted fields. As I have been refining my Feng Shui skills I have also been strengthening my ability to work with subtle energy fields and access intuitive information through dowsing and other intuitive channels. It has been exciting and rewarding to develop these abilities and learn to integrate them into my own unique approach to harmonizing environments.

In the beginning my consultations were predominately residential. Over the past year and a half I have expanded into more work with small businesses, schools and healing centers. From the very beginning I have had the long term goal of working for large healing centers, hospitals, and end-of-life residences. In line with that goal I recently began to consult in large retirement communities and memory care facilities. I am finding this new work to be incredibly inspiring and rewarding.
I believe it is really important to collaborate with other professionals. From a practical point of view, it is important to be able to refer trusted professionals to my clients.

I also depend on relationships with compatible businesses for my own referrals. From a larger perspective, I want to collaborate with and support the work of inspired people, and so I continually seek those people and develop those relationships. I am a member of a local Design/Build collective. I have also connected personally with other local businesses that do good work and offer compatible services. These include several realtors, a green architectural firm, a sustainable home design center, a personal moving service, an assisted living service, and a life coach. These relationships have been very rewarding. I have found that it takes time to build regular referrals from these contacts, and I am learning how to educate them about what I do and better help them communicate my services to their clients.

Do you offer public events? If so, what, where and for whom are they?

I teach evening and weekend workshops and classes on a variety of topics, including Feng Shui, dowsing and energy work. I currently teach from a beautiful space in a healing center located on the edge of a wetland sanctuary. I advertise my classes through my web site and email flyers.

I am sometimes invited to teach through other organizations or give presentations on Feng Shui to local groups.
One of my current teaching goals is to create simple power point presentations for local groups and “target audiences,” such as realtors. I am in the process now of creating a power point presentation on Feng Shui for offices and work spaces. I’m interested in offering lunch hour presentations for people who work in large high rise towers, in order to give them tools for making their spaces healthier.

What is your experience with and impressions of the feng shui community at large?

My strongest impression of the Feng Shui community came with the opportunity to attend the two International Conferences held in California in the summers of 2003 and 2004. This was during the time I was taking the program and beginning my work. These events provided a good sense of the worldwide professional community and helped to provide the necessary confidence and vision to create my own business.

Describe your success as it relates to the Golden Gate School of Feng Shui.

My experiences with the Golden Gate School provided an excellent foundation for my practice. I also received good exposure to the broader base of knowledge, meaning a basis of resources and contacts to pursue in developing my breadth of understanding and experience.

In what specific ways does GGSFS show up in your life today? For example, are you supported by former classmates?

I have a few close friends through the course. They provide important support to me, although we live at a distance. There is also the possibility of collaboration down the road as we continue to expand our practices. Because of my distance I haven’t been directly involved much in the school. I have appreciated the opportunity to travel periodically for workshops.

What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling in the program?

I always recommend the program whenever I have the opportunity, for all the reasons I mentioned above.

Tel:415.945.8899 | 510.868.0489
3225 Adeline Street, Berkeley CA 94703

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