My first
feng shui success came as a surprise even to me. My client’s
house was typical, too much furniture in too little space.
The chi was stagnant. I spent a half a day rearranging furniture
to help circulate the chi. Afterwards, using the Lo Pan
Compass, I calculated the auspicious and challenging areas
of her house and made recommendations. Interestingly enough,
our rearranging had inadvertently enhanced the prosperity
sector of the house. Inspired? Tel:415.945.8899 | 510.868.0489 © copyright 2008 Golden Gate School of Feng Shui
First Feng Shui Success Story
Yoshi Makino (2006 Graduate)
As I was leaving, my client casually mentioned that she
was having problems selling her daughter’s car. She
explained she wanted the money to spend on the house. It
would help her buy such items as a new area rug in her dining
room. I had recommended a rug to ground and settle the space.
She confessed that she was discouraged because her daughter’s
Toyota had been “tricked
out.” As a result, it was riding low to the ground
and deterred buyers. The interest was so low she was compelled
to take out a newspaper ad in the neighboring city.
Driving home, I pondered what to do about this car. With
my limited experience, I knew of no feng shui cure for selling
cars. But the one thing I had noticed was that the car was
parked outside the most inauspicious sector of the home.
I called my client and suggested she move the car into the
prosperity sector, which we had enhanced earlier in the
The next day, I received a phone call from my excited client.
She had sold the car!
After she had moved the car, she received four phone calls
from people who frantically wanted to see it. The first
interested people to look at the vehicle were an older couple.
They were pleased that the car was low to the ground, making
it easier for the disabled woman to get in and out. They
bought it and paid cash. Good timing because this was the
last day of the newspaper advertisement.
In addition, my client has a beautiful new area rug that
anchors her dinning area nicely. This has become her favorite
room in the house.
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