How our Landscapes Impact our Prosperity, our Power, and our Health & the Importance of Land Form and Topography in Feng Shui MODULE DESCRIPTION This course will be taught in two parts; Module 5 (part I) and Module 8: Specialization Track A - Topography and Landform (part II). Part I is included in the core curriculum, and part II is available for those who would like to further their studies on land form and topography in feng shui. The modules will include on-site experiential work combined with in-depth classroom studies. Our landscapes have the power to create or destroy entire
civilizations. Ancient geomancers understood the relationship
between the land and human destiny. They developed techniques
that allowed them to use landforms and river systems as ways
to increase political and economic power for monarchs and
kings. Modern feng shui uses this knowledge as a way to increase
personal or institutional potential, create prosperity, and
foster health and longevity for clients large and small. Landscape
analysis is a valuable tool that allows you to greatly augment
you own success as well as that of your clients. You will be instructed on the invisible energies that traverse
the land, practicing dowsing techniques, learning how to locate
ley lines, dragon veins, and auspicious sites, and discovering
how to diagnose geopathic stresses (damaging earth energies)
that may be impacting a client’s site. In addition, you will also study and practice the fundamentals
of earth and water rituals, ground-breaking ceremonies, and
other processes that allow us to uncover and connect to the
hidden spirit of land, sky, and waters. Module 5: Walking The Dragon (part I) • Basics of landform and topography. Full day site visit
We will spend at least one full day walking on the land,
identifying dragon veins, dragon formations, and their
relationships to human settlements, and the seats of
political and economic power. This all-day excursion
will take us to a location that will illustrate the
classroom teachings. This site will be in a location
in the mountains north of San Francisco that is part
of the power system of the area, where we can relate
landform and water patterns to the economic and political
power of the larger metropolitan area. Students will
be able not only to see that forms in the land that
nourish the prosperity and influence of The San Francisco
Bay Area, but will also be instructed on how to tap
into this power for personal growth. Basic water and
land rituals will be explained and demonstrated. Module 9: Walking The Dragon (part II) Plots and Plans; Exterior Feng Shui and Site Planning We will cover topographical issues as they relate to
real-case scenarios, with many of examples of diverse
situations. Rather than the macro scale, we will focus
on individual plots and how they relate to landform,
plot shapes, and other exterior feng shui criteria: This will focus on the analysis of the client’s
property in relation to the regional landform, watercourses,
underground water, and other factors of exterior feng
shui such as plot shape, slope, and proximity to roads
and streets. In addition to classical land and water
forms known in feng shui to foster prosperity and success,
examples will be given of contemporary businesses and
developments that have used feng shui principles to
create success through the manipulation of land form,
water courses, and other feng shui cures. Examples will
include the Center for Discovery Pediatric campus in
Harris, NY, Lynmar Winery in Sonoma, Whole Foods Markets
in Edgewater, NJ, and the Aspen Institute in Aspen Colorado,
among others.
Earth Energies, Land Rituals, and Earth Healing Focusing on developing more complex rituals to promote
prosperity and harmony on the land This will focus on techniques for understanding and
measuring earth energies, underground water, and geopathic
stresses (earth energies that are detrimental to humans).
Basic skills in dowsing and visual diagnosis will be
covered, with the intention of making complex assessments
of earth vitality, quality of chi, and also for the
diagnosis of geopathic stresses. We will learn rituals
that promote well being, health, and prosperity. Land
blessings, energy clearings, ground-breaking rituals,
and consecrations ceremonies will be introduced. Earth
Healing techniques will be explored both for the curing
of geopathic stress, as well as for traumas caused by
historic events such as wars, crime, or even excessive
construction. The Earth is rude, silent, incomprehensible at first, Dowsing A technique for understanding and measuring earth energies,
underground water, and geopathic stresses (geopathic stress
relates to the stress suffered when a human body (or even
animal or plant) spends time in contact with areas of distorted
energy running through and along the Earth. Tel:510.868.0489
Walking The Dragon
Students in this specialization track will learn to analyze
both the form and the spirit of the land. We will begin by
looking at the most auspicious combinations of land and water
forms with examples from successful sites around the world,
from Manhattan and San Francisco Bay, to the Forbidden City
in Beijing, the power spots of ancient Greece and the ley
lines of the British Isles. Dragon Veins, Water Dragons, Ley
Lines, Power Spots, Energy Vortexes, and other formations
will be described and evaluated for their impact on human
Particular attention will be given to the understanding of
Power as a force in the land. This power derives not only
from the physical form of the landscape but from its spiritual
content as well. In order to understand this, students will
be exposed not only to classroom instruction, but will also
have an opportunity to see and walk on the ley lines that
nourish the San Francisco Bay Area.
All students will receive an initiation into the rank of shamanic
practitioner of earth healing, also known in other cultures
as dragon mastery.
with Alex Stark
March 20 - 23, 2009
• Dragon Veins, Water Dragons, Ley Lines, and
Power Spots
• Dowsing level One
• Map Reading
We will cover the basics of landform and topography.
Dragon Veins, Water Dragons, Ley Lines, and Power Spots
will be defined and explained. Outstanding examples
from around the world will be introduced, including
San Francisco Bay, Manhattan Island, Mt. St. Michel
(France), Beijing, Stonehenge, and Delphi (Greece).
We will undertake a deep study and understanding of
topography, landform, feng shui dragons, and other topographical
power systems. In addition to classical land and water
forms known in feng shui to foster prosperity and success,
examples will be given of contemporary businesses, developments,
towns, and even cities that have used feng shui principles
to create success through the manipulation of land form,
water courses, and other feng shui cures. Examples will
include the Center for Discovery Pediatric campus in
Harris, NY, the Florida Panhandle development of Seaside,
the town of Highland Lake in North Carolina, and the
city of Auroville in India. We will also begin to explore
landform and water systems to underground energies.
This will begin our study and practice of dowsing, the
art of engaging and decoding the energy patterns of
the environment (see Dowsing description at foot of
page) There will be examples of actual situations and
how the topography in their cases impacted the outcome
of people's lives, prosperity, and health. In part one,
students will also learn how to read and analyze topographical
maps an essential skill for understanding landform.
Full day site visit We will spend at least one full
day walking on the land, identifying dragon veins, dragon
formations, and their relationships to human settlements,
and the seats of political and economic power. This
all-day excursion will take us to a location that will
illustrate the classroom teachings. This site will be
in a location in the mountains north of San Francisco
that is part of the power system of the area, where
we can relate landform and water patterns to the economic
and political power of the larger metropolitan area.
Students will be able not only to see that forms in
the land that nourish the prosperity and influence of
The San Francisco Bay Area, but will also be instructed
on how to tap into this power for personal growth. Basic
water and land rituals will be explained and demonstrated.
with Alex Stark
June 19 - 22, 2009
• Dowsing level two (including geopathic stress)
• Earth Healing
• Blessing Rituals
• Formatting findings for Client
Nature is incomprehensible at first,
Be not discouraged, keep on,
there are divine things well enveloped,
I swear to you there are divine beings
more beautiful than words can tell.
-Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892, American Poet)
We will discuss what causes Geopathic Stress, the differing
types, where they are found, how they affect us, how they
can be detected and what to do when they're discovered). Basic
skills in dowsing and visual diagnosis will be covered, with
the intention of making complex assessments of earth vitality,
quality of chi, and also for the diagnosis of geopathic stresses.
Detecting and understanding invisible energies and forces
is an essential part of achieving optimum design in relation
to health and well being.
Dowsing has been utilized in one form or another in every
culture and tradition since the beginning of time and refers
to tried and true techniques for tapping into universal consciousness.
These techniques permit the dowser to seek information and
guidance that may not be easily available in any other way
and often allows the gathering of information and answers
that reach beyond our rational, intellectual mind and our
physical senses.
You will learn the seemingly magical use of the 2 primary
Dowsing tools: the L rod and the Pendulum.
We will explore their many uses:
• Detecting and interpreting Earth energies (the lines
and sinews of Chi that run in, through and over the body of
the Earth. Sometimes called ley lines or earth grid energies).
• Detecting underground water (veins and primary reservoirs).
• Detecting residual energies that we encounter in homes
• Detecting stuck entities inside the home
• Using the pendulum to verify information
• Using the L rod to detect energy boundaries in spatial
• Using the L rod to detect electromagnetic fallout
3225 Adeline Street, Berkeley CA 94703