Advanced Studies

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Polestar Astrology

Polestar Astrology - Golden Gate Feng Shui School

In this series entitled 'Polestar Astrology' (also known as Zi Wei Dou Shu or Purple Star Astrology), Rachael Henrichsen teaches how to create and read a Chinese Polestar Natal Chart according to the Song Dynasty system of Astrology.  Rachael, who studied this subject extensively with of Liu Ming, will be teaching this course at least once a month for the next two years. 

The system of Zi Wei Dou Shu, also known as Chinese Polestar Astrology has existed for over 1000 years. It was created during a golden age in China, when many resources were put to use to discover, observe, and record life from a human perspective. Due to the repetitive qualities of nature (sunrise / sunset / summer/ winter), it was possible to observe, name and characterize qi. Patterns arise throughout the natural world as situation repeat themselves and find a way toward resolution. We all share in the patterns and natural archetypes of humanity, and in the cycles of life that have connected us to each other and our ancestors since the beginning of time. Chinese Astrology was developed as a system to describe and interact with the different flavors of movement (qi) using imagery and mathematics (e.g. 12 animals / 5 elements).

It is important to understand the imagery of the 12 zodiac animals and 5 elements are simply a metaphoric language describing the facets and flavors of change itself; the real nature of our experience is a constantly unfolding, non-solidified, un-abiding movement of qi.  The profundity of the Chinese Tradition is found in the direct experience that everything is in a constant process of change (qi) - as opposed to the particulars (names) of what qi is changing into.  

The idea of fate, is an honest observation of how humans gravitate toward self-resolving patterns as we navigate through life. Chinese Polestar Astrology is a way to gaze into these patterns, specifically looking into an individuals' character and fate. As we have all come into the world at a certain moment, within a patter of qi, we have similarities with that pattern. Through Chinese Polestar Astrology we can look at a person's birth time and begin to observe the patterns of fate and freedom that patterns their lives. 

All classes are held at Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (ACCHS) in Oakland CA.

Flying Star Feng Shui or Xuan Kong Fei Xing

Flying Star Feng Shui or Xuan Kong Fei Xing - Golden Gate Feng Shui School

In this ongoing class, we enter into the exploration of Flying Star feng shui and a more in-depth and advanced study of the luopan compass. The Universe is ever changing and natural influences evolve with the passage of time. Flying Star feng shui incorporates the elements of time and space. It will enable you to trace the pattern of change through the 20 year periods called "ages". It makes it possible to access the fortune of a dwelling. With practice, one can learn how to unblock energies that affect the aspects of prosperity and health in a dwelling.

The luopan compass is the essential tool in TCFS. Its many rings reveal vital information in assessing a dwelling or building site and contain a large body of knowledge that encompasses classical Chinese philosophy, numerology and cosmology. The Chinese luopan can take a long time to master since it requires prior learning of the Chinese characters. Our luopan simplifies the process and makes it easier for the Western student to learn and use.

In this series you will learn to:

Flying Star Feng Shui is the most widely used method used in Asia. Many of our students have also studied Flying Star feng shui and the luopan with other teachers. Their reporting has been consistent: Our teachers have offered them the clearest, and most understandable discourse on the subject, and their methods simplify the processes so that they are truly usable on every project.

GGFSS Graduates Register Here

Individuals who have not Graduated GGFSS Register Here

Schedule for Advanced Studies 2020/21

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May 16th - 17th

Weekend One


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star I with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star I with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Advanced Bazhai Ming Gua with Aelita Leto
Pole Star II with Rachael Henrichsen


June 13th - 14th

Weekend Two


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star II with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star III with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star III with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star IV with Rachael Henrichsen


July 25th - 26th

Weekend Three


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star IV with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star V with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm

Feng Shui Consult/Site Visit with Aelita Leto


August 22nd - 23rd

Weekend Four


  9:30am -   5:00pm

Advanced Nine Star Ki with Robert Sachs


  9:30am -   5:00pm

Advanced Nine Star Ki with Robert Sachs


September 19th - 20th

Weekend Five


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star V with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star VI with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Advanced Bazhai Ming Gua with Aelita Leto
Pole Star VII with Rachael Henrichsen


No Classes:

Taiwan Feng Shui Study Tour with Howard Choy

October 15th - 26th - contact us for details.


November 7th - 8th

Weekend Six


  9:30am -   4:30pm


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star VI with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star VIII with Rachael Henrichsen


December 5th - 6th

Weekend Seven


  9:00am - 12:00pm
  1:30pm -   4:30pm

Flying Star VII with Howard Choy
Pole Star VIII with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am -   4:30pm


January 9th - 10th

Weekend Eight


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star VIII with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star IX with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am -   4:30pm

Feng Shui Consult/Site Visit with Aelita Leto


February 6th - 7th

Weekend Nine


  9:00am - 12:00pm
  1:30pm -   4:30pm

Flying Star IX with Howard Choy
Pole Star X with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Pole Star X with Rachael Henrichsen
Advanced Bazhai/Ming Gua with Manu Butterworth


March 13th - 14th

Weekend Ten


  9:30am - 12:30pm
  2:00pm -   5:00pm

Flying Star X with Manu Butterworth
Pole Star XI with Rachael Henrichsen


  9:30am - 12:30pm

Weekend Eleven

In April we will have two three day Flying Star weekends with Howard Choy plus a three day California Feng Shui Study Tour with Howard Choy.


While we strive to strictly adhere to our schedule, we reserve the right to change dates and/or teachers if due to unforseen circumstances.