Creating Supportive Work Environments with Manu Butterworth

How are we organizing our lives around our work?

How are we organizing our work around our lives?

What is it that has us treat ourselves differently while at work then when we are off work?

Why is it easier to nourish ourselves when we are not working?

How might we bring our ability to nourish ourselves into our focused productivity oriented time?

Join Manu Butterworth, Founder of Golden Gate Feng Shui School, in an exploration of how Traditional Chinese Medicine and the practice of Feng Shui might support us is nourishing ourselves and allowing for more harmony on the path of 'getting things done'.

While many consider feng shui to be about moving furniture, GGFSS holds the practice as an art to allowing subtle energy flows to circulate coherently which has to take into consideration our bodies as well as our environment. This leads to a path of allowing more congruity between how we care for ourselves in all aspects of our lives.

The insights around timing, subtle energy flows, and remembering who we are in the context of our work during this presentation will offer you an opportunity to bring more harmony and balance, leading to better focus in your work environment including work meetings.



03 September 2014
6:30PM - 8:30PM


Golden Gate Feng Shui School
2323 Broadway
Oakland CA 94612

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