Penny Livingston-Stark
Penny is internationally recognized as a prominent permaculture teacher, designer and speaker.
She specializes in site planning & design of resource rich landscapes integrating, rainwater collection,
edible and medicinal planting, spring development, pond and water systems, habitat development and watershed
restoration for homes, co-housing communities, businesses and diverse yield perennial farms.
Penny co-manages, with her husband James Stark, a 17 acre certified organic and certified Salmon Safe farm in Bolinas called the Commonweal Garden in collaboration with Commonweal a cancer health research and retreat center. In addition they are stewarding and working to restore 200 acres in Trinity County.
She co-created the Ecological Design Program and its curriculum at the San Francisco Institute of Architecture and co-founded the West Marin Grower’s Group, West Marin Farmer’s Market and the Community Land Trust Association of Marin.
Penny has also worked with the Marin County Community Development Agency & Planning Department to develop recommendations on sustainability for updating the Community Plan. She is also a founding member of the Natural Building Colloquium, a national consortium of professional natural builders, creating innovations in straw bale, cob, timberframe, light clay, natural non-toxic interior finishes and other methods utilizing natural and bio-regionally appropriate materials for construction.
Penny Livingston-Stark is the founder of:
Regenerative Design Institute (RDI) - a non-profit educational and research organization promoting sustainable technologies and methodologies. RDI offers certification courses in permaculture design, nature awareness and leadership. RDI in located at the Commonweal Garden, a certified organic permaculture farm and is currently working in collaboration with Commonweal, a Cancer healing and retreat center.
Sustainable Living Designs (SLD) a professional permaculture design/build firm integrating landscapes and structures with water, soil, plants, animals and energy efficiency. Penny has been teaching internationally and working professionally in the land management, regenerative design & permaculture development field for 25 years and has extensive experience in all phases of ecologically sound design and construction as well as the use of natural non-toxic building materials.