Architectural Style - Opportunity or Imposition? with Liu Ming

Like it or not, the architecture of a building imposes it's style on the way you live and even on our behavior. Tonight we look at traditional Chinese domestic architecture and what it suggests/imposes on family life.

In this presentation we will look at the "50's" in America - what does it's domestic architecture tell us about the American dream? Have we accomplished it? What is our American style and how is it working on us?

When is feng shui NOT about architecture? How does architecture, ceramic bowls, tailored clothing and the tones of music add up to fengshui? Looking at the non-architectural way feng shui harmony and unity can be created.

In this two part class we'll explore various styles of architecture in China and the US and the impact of this on our lives and our action.

As space for these talks is very limited the address is only available at the link for tickets. (It is close to BART and parking friendly).



Part I: Wednesday July 23rd
Part II Wednesday August 6th
6:30PM - 9:00PM


Golden Gate Feng Shui School
Telegraph Avenue, Oakland CA

Registration Details

Register two weeks in advance -
Register one week in advance -
Register day of event/pay at door -

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